9 years ago
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Meet Valkyrie, A Super Sleek Aircraft Taking On The Private Plane Industry

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Cobalt is a private aircraft manufacturer launching its first two models today. The fully-certified Co50 Valkyrie and its experimental version, the Valkyrie-X, are available for pre-order starting today.

Valkyrie is super sleek and built for speed. It’s the fastest in its class (single piston engines), with the ability to travel up to 260 knots, as opposed to the typical 242 knots. It’s also safer than most private planes, according to Cobalt.

The craft is canard style, equipped with a forewing to prevent the plane from stalling mid-air, and comes with a five-seater, single-piston engine on the backend for smoother, safer take-offs and landings.


Classic fighter jets inspired the design with “clean lines and premium finishes” and Valkyrie comes in a range of custom hues, including darker colors like the deep black shown above.

The interior of the craft sports premium leather seating, hand-stitched by a former Hermes craftsman and a simple on/off switch dashboard design, complete with a place for your iPad. There’s also ample storage for typical rich-person-with-a-private-jet activities (golf bags, skis, suitcases with gold bars in them).

You’ll also notice the large plexiglass topper. Valkyrie offers an impressive 320-degree view with what Cobalt tells TechCrunch is the largest one-piece canopy in the world.


Additional specifications include:

  • Turbocharged 350HP, retractable, IFR-capable
  • Oxygenized non-pressurized
  • Cruise range: 1050 nautical miles (nmi) with NBAA IFR reserves
  • Customization: Interior and exterior are fully customizable upon request
  • Exact dimensions: 30 feet long x 30 feet wide x 10 feet high

The main difference between the Co50 and X, besides Co50’s certification, is the price. Valkyrie-X starts at $595,000, no money down, and with an estimated production period of six months, and Co50 Valkyrie will start at $699,000, with a $15,000 deposit. Cobalt tells us the Co50 will be ready by summer 2017.

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TechCrunch was able to get an exclusive first look of the craft and chat with Cobalt CEO David Loury about it. Check out the video above to see it in action and learn more.

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