9 years ago
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New Apple campaign enlists artists to make stunning images with iPhones and iPads

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Apple’s latest art campaign will put your Instagram sunsets and Snapchat doodles to shame.

The company has commissioned art from a host of professional painters, photographers and visual designers from around the world to push the boundaries of what’s possible using only an iPhone, iPad and MacBook and a few accessories. The works are on display in a gallery on Apple’s website and inside all of its retail stores.

The campaign, entitled “Start Something New,” is meant to inspire Apple users by reminding them that the type of professional-quality visuals that once required expensive specialized tools are now attainable with everyday smartphones and laptops.

Along with the artwork, Apple is launching free workshops on iPhone photography and iPad sketching and painting at Apple stores worldwide.

Below is some of the work from the 11 artists involved in the campaign:

Lu Jun, China
“Painting fluid landscapes”


Tiffany Bozic, USA
“Illustrating nature through its details”


William Hundley, USA
“Capturing the texture of movement”


Brian Lotti, USA
“Seeking color in the streets”


Darren Pearson, USA
“Drawing with light”


Emma Phillips, Australia
“Chasing wild vistas”


Jake Sargeant, USA
“Composing a sense of wonder”


Kahori Maki, Japan
“Cultivating a different kind of rose”


Bernhard Lang, Germany
“Shooting from a new perspective”


Lieu Nguyen, Vietnam
“Painting with dots”

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